New manga

In this section you can read New manga that have recently appeared on our mangareader. Some of them have been recently drawn by their authors. And some have been pleasing us for a long time but appeared on the site recently.

Read New manga online for free on MANGAEFFECT.

New comics will be on the top slider of our mangareader for a while. Then they will be replaced by other Best manga, New manhua or New manhwa. You can easily add them to your bookmarks and keep track of new chapters. At our site, we paint with AI technology. Some titles turn out just fine. Others are not as good as we would like them to be. We are constantly working to make it as good as possible for you. Online reading Colored manga for free is the motto of our site. Post your comments about the colored chapters you're reading.  It will help you to always be online with us. And feel like MANGAEFFECT is always with me. You can write to us in the comments or in the mail if you want to see any manga on our site. We will be happy to find and download it for you. So, some Japanese comics appeared on our site in this way. Someone wrote in a comment and almost the same day it appeared on our site.